[:en]Hi beauties! Two reviews in a week, bring it on! [...]
[:en]Hi beauties! Two reviews in a week, bring it on! [...]
haiiiiiii semuanya! Sengaja nih di review produk kali ini aku [...]
haiiiiiii semuanya! Sengaja nih di review produk kali ini aku [...]
[:en]Hi Loves! On this month only, we Indonesians have two [...]
[:en]Hi Loves! On this month only, we Indonesians have two [...]
[:en]Hey Love! I know I didn’t update my instagram for [...]
[:en]Hey Love! I know I didn’t update my instagram for [...]
[:en]Kalau ngomongin soal lip cream, pasti gak akan jauh-jauh dari Sephora Collection [...]
[:en]Kalau ngomongin soal lip cream, pasti gak akan jauh-jauh dari Sephora Collection [...]
Hi guys! Perjalanan liquid to matte lipstick di Indonesia udah 3 tahun [...]
Hi guys! Perjalanan liquid to matte lipstick di Indonesia udah 3 tahun [...]
[:en]”I don’t do fashion. I am fashion.” — Coco Chanel Kita semua [...]
[:en]”I don’t do fashion. I am fashion.” — Coco Chanel Kita semua [...]
[:en][one_half_col_first] BRAND: [button title=”THE BODY SHOP” url=”https://lippielust.com/tag/the-body-shop/” color=”readmore” size=”” icon=”” icon_align=”left” [...]
[:en][one_half_col_first] BRAND: [button title=”THE BODY SHOP” url=”https://lippielust.com/tag/the-body-shop/” color=”readmore” size=”” icon=”” icon_align=”left” [...]
Hiii loves! Finally we meet again in another review: Silky [...]
Hiii loves! Finally we meet again in another review: Silky [...]
Haiiiiii semuanya! Apa kabar? Gak kerasa ya udah weekend lagi, terus ketemu [...]
Haiiiiii semuanya! Apa kabar? Gak kerasa ya udah weekend lagi, terus ketemu [...]
Heyy loves! How are you? It's February 14th, 2017. Happy [...]
Heyy loves! How are you? It's February 14th, 2017. Happy [...]
UPDATE (Juli 12, 2017): Just [...]
UPDATE (Juli 12, 2017): Just [...]